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Office 365

Office 365

When corporate cloud solutions are mentioned, Microsoft, the giant of the IT industry, comes to mind. Office 365, where every institution can find a suitable package for itself, is one of the solutions with the largest market share in cloud technologies. Exchange Online, Sharepoint, One Drive, MS Office software and CRM products can be owned individually or rented with some integrated packages at much more affordable prices. You no longer have to make large investments at once. Rent with Office 365 and always have the latest version.

As Probilgin, we provide consultancy and support services for institutions to determine their Office 365 plans, to transfer their old services to Microsoft Cloud servers without interruption, if desired, to follow up licenses, to maintain and maintain the system. If you want to benefit from our consultancy and support services, you can contact us by clicking the Get Offer button in the upper right corner of our website.